There are times in life when you cannot afford to pay a bill or debt that you are obligated to. No one wants to be in this situation, but it can happen to anyone, and when it does, the possibility of the court ordering a wage garnishment is very real. There are many reasons or types of debt that can land you in this situation, but there are four common ones that are the most common reasons a judge will order your hard-earned wages to be garnished.
Falling Behind in Child Support
Child support is one of the biggest reasons for wage garnishments. There are many reasons that one could fall in arrears with support payments, but because these payments are court-ordered, the only way to change or reduce them is through the court system. If you don't pay them as ordered, the court system will order a garnishment, and your employer will have to take a percentage of your earnings out of your paycheck before you are even paid.
The Cost of Education
Student loans are another area that often results in a garnishment. If you have taken out a lot of loans for your education and then failed to make the payments, the lender may seek a court order for wage garnishment to recover their money. Since the lender is often the federal government, escaping their reach is tough. Again, if the court feels their claim is valid, your wages could be garnished to pay back the loans.
Paying Your Fair Share
The federal income tax system requires you pay into the system every year that you earn an income. There are some exceptions, but if you have failed to pay those taxes, one of the ways that the Internal Revenue Service can recover the money is to seek a garnishment. There are other steps they can take as well, but like in the other situations discussed, garnishment allows them to take a percentage of your income before you ever see it.
Private-Party Judgments
Another reason for a garnishment may be related to a private debt. Owing a landlord back rent is a good example that is common. If you moved out of an apartment and owed a lot of rent or damage to the property owner that you refused to pay, they can take you to court to recover those costs. In some cases, the court may reduce the amount or even deny it, but if the court finds in the landlord's favor, they may seek a wage garnishment to ensure you repay what the court has ordered. Often the court will agree, especially if the amount of money owed is very large.
For more information, contact a lawyer like Stuart J Sinsheimer.